In primissimo piano

Leonardo Di Ascenzo

Concerto di chiusura della rassegna “L’Uomo Gesù” con la Cappella Musicale Antoniana domani 20/03 in Basilica del Santo. Il ciclo di meditazioni quaresimali è stato organizzato da Basilica di Sant’Antonio, Basilica di Santa Giustina e Associazione Corsia del Santo “Placido Cortese”.

Sul «Messaggero dei Ragazzi» di marzo il fumetto sul francescano Odorico da Pordenone, il "Marco Polo col saio"

Tra gli altri servizi, il dossier sui cambiamenti climatici e su cosa possiamo fare noi per mitigarli e una storia di solidarietà che arriva dalla Sardegna

Siti museali del Santo, da questo mese partono il biglietto unico e l'orario di apertura ampliato.

Pubblichiamo un articolo apparso su "Il Gazzettino" del 27 febbraio 2018 dove il nuovo Delegato Pontificio per la Basilica del Santo S.E. Mons. Fabio Dal Cin cita l'Arciconfraternita di sant'Antonio di Padova.

Il numero di febbraio 2018 del Messaggero dei Ragazzi, lanci il Bando del 44° Premio nazionale della Bontà "sant'Antonio di Padova".


    The ascription to the Arciconfraternita of St. Anthony of Padua represents a form of public activity in the Catholic and Apostolic Church inspired by the devotion to St. Anthony in order to engage in his own religious formation, in the diffusion of the Antonian devotion and in works of charity and apostolate.


 Each member of the group is invited to take an active part in the Catechesis and the Confraternity Mass, which is celebrated every first Sunday of the month from 9.00 am in the Scoletta del Santo and in the Basilica Antoniana by P. Cappellano, followed by the blessing and distribution of the Bread of Sant 'Antonio. All ascribed are invited to take part to the following processions and functions that take place in the Basilica del Santo wearing a fraternity cloak and medallion:

 1. the Festivity and commemotation of the tongue of the Saint (the first Sunday after February 15th),

 2. the days of the Tredicina in honor of the Saint at the beginning of the month of June each year,

 3. the Festivity of the Saint (June 13th ),

 4. the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception ( December 8th),

 5. the Te Deum in occasion of the anniversary of the election of the Supreme Pontiff.  During the year there are numerous other opportunities to meet at our head office, the Scoletta del Santo, with other Antonian Confraternities who come to Padua on a pilgrimage.

 Spiritual Privileges

 All ascribed, by rescript of the Apostolic Penitentiary, can profit, in the forms established by the Church, the gift of Plenary Indulgence in the following days and festivities of the Liturgical Year:

 1. the day of the ascription,

 2. the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord ( March 25th),

 3. the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary ( December  8th ),

 4. the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Heaven ( August 15th),

 5. Liturgical commemoration of St. Anthony of Padua ( June 13th),

 6. Liturgical commemoration of the Translation of the Body of the the Saint - Festivity of the Tongue ( February 15th),

 7. Liturgical commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi ( October 4th),

 8 Liturgical commemoration of the Empression of the Stigmata at St. Francis of Assisi (September 17th).

 Moreover, our Father Chaplain will celebrate  three Holy Masses of suffrage for the ascribed   on their return to the Father's House. 


 All members are regularly informed about the association activities, through the quarterly periodical Arciconfraternita del Santo, which is freely sent by regular mail  and through periodic written notifications sent home or by e-mail.

 Application for registration

 In order to submit to the Board of Directors the Application for Registration, to obtain the required approval, the following documents must be sent:

 1. application in written form on the attached model and signed in the original, showing a concise but explanatory curriculum vitae, which particularly illustrates the reasons for his antonian devotion,

 2. certificate of good customs issued by the parish priest or other priest of the Catholic Church, who personally knows the candidate,3. receipt of payment of € 40.00 on c.c.p. of the Arciconfraternita inclusive of the registration fee of € 25 (twenty-five) and the quota for the current year (€ 15-fifteen) (bulletin c.c.p. attachment); when in possession of the above certification the payments can already be made.

 Attached you will also find a copy of the current statute, while for the presentation of the confraternity signs we invite you to visit the web site of the Arciconfraternita.

Un itinerario di visite guidate tra tombe e sepolcri alla scoperta del "pantheon civico padovano". 

Meditazioni, concerti, itinerari spirituali e storico-artistici al Santo per la Quaresima. Dal 20 febbraio.

Il Santo, santuario ancora più internazionale: aumentano le nazionalità dei pellegrini dall’Albania al Vietnam. Bilancio 2017.